Series You Can Read Over the Next Few Months
Ready to take on a big read this season? check out my favorite series and see if you’re up for the challenge!
A dystopian nightmare about a world overrun with plague and genetic engineering. These are hands down my most reread books ever. The first book was written in 2003, well before ebola or covid, and it feels concerningly plausible. That’s the allure of Atwood, she’s never written about things that haven’t happened in real life.
“The reason I made that rule is that I didn’t want anybody saying, ‘You certainly have an evil imagination, you made up all these bad things.’ I didn’t make them up.”
Set in colonized Mars, this rollercoaster of a series will make you fall in love with science fiction. Imagine Guardians of the Galaxy and the Hunger Games had a baby, this would be the result. I personally prefer the first three books, but feel free to see this one through. The last installment comes out July 25- lucky you won’t have to wait!
You’ve been saying you want to read it for years. By now the sting of disappointment from the HBO series has faded, so why not be reintroduced to your favorite cast of characters like you’ve never seen before and see why George R.R. Martin is up there with Tolkien. Yes, they’re all intimidatingly large, but thankfully you already have an idea of what’s going on so it won’t be as intense as if you’re walking in blind. This is a marathon, not a sprint.
A Swedish series that follows an asocial hacker genius and an investigative journalist. Again, don’t judge a book by the movie! Larsson intended to have 10 installments but suddenly died in 2003. These three books were published posthumously, and a fellow Swedish author has continued on the series up to 7 so far. Feel free to keep going, the newest book came out last year.
This was one of the hit series of the 2000s and there’s a reason- Dan Brown is an incredible writer. He breaks down complex topics (religion, history, science, espionage) without being dry and just the right amount of suspense for my taste. After each book you’ll feel smarter and entertained. And don’t we all love a little controversy?
An epic two-part fantasy that will have you writing letters to Patrick Rothfuss to hurry writing the next book. Lin Manuel Miranda is creating a TV adaptation, and you know the book is always better than the show so now is your time to take the leap & check it out. You’ve never read anything like this before.